3 Reasons To Consider Using Weight Loss Pills

For many people, changing their diet and increasing their physical activity is enough to help them reach their weight loss goals. In some cases, you may need additional help on your weight loss journey. There are situations in which weight loss pills might be the right tool for weight loss.

Appetite Suppression

A common reason people use weight loss pills, especially in the beginning of their journey, is to help with appetite suppression. Most people will find they need to consume 1200 to 1600 calories each day for consistent weight loss. If you are accustomed to eating what you want, dropping your calories this low can be challenging and you are more likely to fall off your diet. Weight loss pills frequently have an appetite suppressant included, which will make it easier to stick with a calorie deficit. Before trying any pills, see if manipulating your diet is effective at controlling your appetite. Try including more complex carbohydrates, protein, and healthy fats, which all help with satiety.

Increased Energy

Some weight loss pills include caffeine and proprietary thermogenic blends which can give you more energy. Before taking any pills for increased energy, make sure your doctor is okay with you taking them. People with any heart problems or uncontrolled hypertension can have adverse reactions to stimulants. The goal of stimulants is to help you through workouts, both physically and mentally. An extra boost is ideal, especially when you are in a caloric deficit, since you may find you are more sluggish until you adapt to the change in diet. People who are trying a low-carb diet may also benefit from stimulants since their body must adapt to using fat for energy instead of quicker sources like carbs.


It is normal to face plateaus where no matter what you do, the scale does not move. Depending on how close you are to your weight goal, you may simply need to reduce your calories or increase your physical activity. If your daily calorie intake is already low, such as 1200 calories, decreasing your calories will become counterproductive and possibly dangerous. Sometimes weight loss pills can give your metabolism a boost and help you break through a plateau, especially if you only have a few more pounds to lose. Take the pills just long enough to help the scale move, then go back to your regular routine to see if your current diet and exercise regimen works again.

Weight loss pills are not meant for long-term use since your body can be accustomed to the effects. These are three instances where weight loss pills can be the right choice to keep the scale moving in the right direction. Reach out to your doctor to help you find a weight loss program that works for you.
