What To Expect When Being Treated At A Pain Management Clinic

Living in chronic pain is, unfortunately, a reality for many people. While many of those suffering from chronic pain begin treatment with their primary care physician and other specialists, eventually they may be referred to a pain management clinic to be treated by pain management doctors. Many of those living in pain are eager to receive treatment, but it is also not uncommon to be intimidated since they don't know how a pain management clinic works. Continue reading to learn more about what to expect when you begin treatment at a pain management clinic.

A Whole-Person Approach

A good pain management clinic will take a whole person approach when treating chronic pain patients. While some people achieve excellent results when being treated at a pain management clinic, it is important to note that there is no guarantee that pain management doctors will be able to eliminate your pain. However, you will receive a variety of treatment that helps keep you pain under control while also teaching you different methods to cope with the pain and resume normal day to day activities and improve your quality of life.

Work with a Team of Professionals

When you are being treated at a pain management clinic you will see pain management doctors, as well as other professionals who will assist you. These professionals include nurses, physical therapists, psychologists, and possibly occupational or vocational therapists. Your team will get to know you, understand your medical condition and the cause of your chronic pain, and will work with you to develop an appropriate treatment plan. Don't be afraid to ask any of the professionals on your healthcare team any questions you may have during your course of treatment.

Variety of Treatment Methods

In this day and age, most pain management clinics are avoiding using opioid pain medication as their main source of treatment. The long term use of opioids comes with a high risk of addiction, so a variety of treatment methods are used. While you may be prescribed some narcotics, pain management doctors are turning to other types of medication that are not addictive. In addition, you may have regular physical therapy sessions to help improve your condition, as well as sessions with a psychologist, since living in chronic pain can be mentally and emotionally draining. In some cases, meditation, massage, water therapy, and lifestyle changes are also used as treatment methods for chronic pain. 
