3 Signs You Need To Make An Appointment With An Allergist

Many, many people deal with allergies. For most of them, those allergies are nothing more than the occasional annoyance. They sneeze a little when they're exposed to cats, or they suffer a few weeks of congestion in the summer when a certain plant blooms. But for others, allergies are a far more serious issue — one that needs to be dealt with by a board-certified allergist. What are the signs you need to make an appointment with an allergist? Take a look.

1. Wheezing

Sneezing and a runny nose are one thing. They might get annoying, but they are not exactly life-threatening. Wheezing is another matter. Wheezing occurs when your airway starts to close, and you, therefore, make a noise as you struggle to inhale. It can become very serious very quickly, making it difficult or impossible for you to get enough air. For this reason, it is never a symptom to ignore. It might go away on its own a few times, but you never know when it won't. Therefore, you should see an allergist to determine what you're allergic to and to identify a treatment that will help prevent wheezing and its consequences.

2. Food Allergies

Food allergies are more likely to cause a serious, life-threatening allergic reaction than environmental allergies. Some people figure that if they only experience mild symptoms in response to eating a certain food, they're not at risk. But in reality, your next reaction could be an anaphylactic one. All food allergies need to be taken seriously and diagnosed by a board-certified allergist.

3. Inability to Work or Sleep

If you have standard environmental allergies that cause itching, sneezing, and similar symptoms — and those symptoms are bad enough to keep you from getting enough sleep or getting your work done — you need to see an allergist. There is no reason to be miserable and let allergies interrupt your life when there are so many treatment options out there. Once an allergist pins down what you are allergic to, they can prescribe medications that are stronger than those provided over the counter. They can even give you allergy shots, which will weaken your reaction to the allergens over time.

Board-certified allergists are very helpful, knowledgeable doctors. If your allergies ever cause wheezing or get in the way of your life — or if you suspect you're allergic to food — make your appointment ASAP.
