Are You Co-Parenting? 3 Tips To Work Together To Pick The Perfect Pediatric Physician For Your Infant

Your decision to co-parent gives your baby the opportunity to grow up with both of their parents in their life. As new parents, you have many decisions to make, and one of the most important ones is about who provides their medical care. 

During the first year of life, you can expect to take your baby to the doctor for frequent checkups, and you must also be prepared for those common illnesses that babies tend to pick up while their immune systems are still developing. Now that you are ready to pick out a pediatric physician, you can use these three tips to find someone who will provide the best care for your little one while also making both of you happy.

Consider the Logistics of the Clinic

Your need to make sure that the pediatrician clinic is located in an area that allows both you and your child's other parent easy access to appointments. Take a moment to discuss which one of you is likely to be taking your baby to the doctor the most, and try to select a clinic in a nearby location. If you plan to share this responsibility equally and live in different areas, then consider a clinic that is in between your houses. You may also want to check out things such as their open hours for appointments to make sure that it fits into you and your child's other parent's schedules.

Discuss Your Must-Haves in a Pediatrician

You need to trust your pediatrician to make decisions with your child's best interests in mind. However, you also need to know that the pediatrician will respect your preferences. For example, you may want to find a pediatrician that is an advocate for breastfeeding or that specializes in helping children with special needs. Your co-parent may also have preferences such as to have a pediatrician that communicates well with parents. Creating a must-have list helps you identify pediatricians that fit your needs.

Arrange for a Meet and Greet Together

Once you have a prospective pediatrician, it is time to make your big decision. Ask your co-parent to join you for a meet and greet at the pediatric clinic. During this initial meeting, you can ask questions about the pediatrician's philosophy for providing care to children. If your baby is already born, then you can also bring them along to check for good rapport. Doing an initial consultation helps you feel good about your decision when it is time to bring your baby for their first real appointment.
