Did You First Time Using Cannabis Do Nothing For You? 4 Tips To Feel The Effects The Second Time Around

You decided to go ahead and jump on the cannabis trend. Whether you were aiming for pain relief or just to have a little fun, it's disappointing to discover that your first try did nothing. For some reason, certain people seem to not feel the effects of cannabis the first time that they try it. The effects of cannabis tend to rely upon a variety of factors that include your body type, overall health and the environment in which you tried it. Like many things, cannabis is worth giving a second try, and you can use these tips to improve your next experience.

Consider Your Expectations

Your first step is to think about what you expected to get out of your first try. The effects of cannabis are not always like what you see in the movies. Some people get ultra-relaxed rather than giggly, and it is possible that you did feel the effects. Think about what you want to feel like, and use this information when you visit a cannabis dispensary. Let the budtender know if you are looking for pain relief or to feel more energized. They can point you to the best type of cannabis for generating that effect.

Check the Quality of the Cannabis

Cannabis products do have a shelf life. Loose flower that is not stored properly can dry out and lose some of its potency. If you were using old cannabis, then it is possible that it was no longer strong enough to create much of an effect. In this case, the solution is as simple as trying some new cannabis that has the desired level of THC.

Try a Different Delivery Method

Think about how you used cannabis the first time. Many people try smoking flower, but this delivery method can be hard if you are not used to inhaling products. Smoking and vaping also tends to create shorter lasting effects. If you felt like you might have used it wrong, then consider trying an edible. These tend to create more intense effects that you can control by taking more or less of the product. Keep in mind that the effects of edibles do take longer to kick in and stick around for longer than with other delivery methods.

Remember to Still Start Low and Go Slow

While you might be eager to enjoy the benefits of cannabis, you also want to remember that your second try can involve you feeling more effects than the first time. Choosing to start with just a puff or low dose edible gives you room to adjust according to how you feel. Give your new product a try, and wait a bit. You'll likely find that you get the chance to truly enjoy the experience.

To learn more about cannabis, look at dispensaries like Rocky Road Remedies.
