What Is a Mommy Makeover?

Mothers dedicate themselves to midnight feedings, dealing with tantrums during the day, 24/7 dedication, and still try to continue being the individual they were before. When a woman's bearing years are over, doesn't it sound right that she should get a makeover? After all, there is not much about a woman's body that is not affected when carrying and bearing a child.

Some women are now choosing to have a mommy makeover in an attempt to find the body they once had. What are mommy makeovers? This package of services is much more than just hair and makeup. There are several different steps, each essential for turning back the clock. Not all are required for every person, though they are all helpful. Here are a few different aspects of a mommy makeover that you may want to look into.

Breast Augmentation

All of the abuse that babies cause while breastfeeding can be undone with a quick with breast augmentation. Some women choose to have their breasts tightened, while others leave with a little bit more perk. Whatever you choose, nothing will make you feel confident like restoring your figure to what it once was...or even better.

Body Contouring

Liposuction, or a tummy tuck, is not the only option for people who care about their figure anymore. With smaller procedures like coolsculpting and laser therapy, it is possible to get your body looking the way you want it to after a lunchtime appointment.

Vaginal Rejuvenation

You would think that something so personal would be left alone by nature, but alas, vaginal drooping is a very real challenge for many women. This phenomenon can affect intimate relationships, as well as a woman's confidence. Instead of just dealing with it daily, deal with it once and move on with your life.

Let's face it: motherhood is hard on the body. The skin suffers from being stretched and having hormones coursing through the bloodstream. With a 9-month-old fetus in the womb, all of the organs are pushed into different places in the abdominal cavity, and the abdominal muscles separate. In delivery the vagina is stretched to the limit, sometimes even tearing under the extreme strain childbirth. Incredibly, the body recovers so much after childbirth, but understandably, it is never the same. 

Maybe it is time to get your confidence back with a mommy makeover. Maybe it is time for you. You can learn more about these and other services, consider reaching out to health and medical services that provide mommy makeovers.
