4 Ways To Prepare For An Abortion

If you have discovered you are pregnant, and you don't want to carry the pregnancy to term. If that is the case, you need to get to a medical professional to discuss the possibility of getting an abortion.

Way #1: Discuss Your Abortion Options

First, get to a medical professional so that you can discuss your options. You can take the abortion pill, also referred to as a chemical abortion. A chemical abortion is only an option if you are less than ten weeks pregnant. With an abortion pill, you generally take the first pill under the supervision of a doctor and take the second pill a day later at home.

Another option is to get an early surgical abortion. An early surgical abortion is highly effective, and the procedure doesn't take very long at all. You are put under general anesthesia, and a suction device is used to remove the fetus.

Keep in mind that both options are safe medical procedures when performed in the first trimester.

Way #2: Figure Out the Financing

The second thing you need to do is figure out the financing for your abortion. The cost of obtaining an abortion varies based on where you are located in the United States, which type of abortion you need, and what type of health insurance you have.

If you have health insurance, call your insurance provider to see if the service will be covered, and what your out-of-pocket costs will be. If you don't have insurance, you can look into getting a personal loan or contact an organization that may offer some financial help with the procedure.

Way #3: Build Your Support System

You don't have to tell anyone about the procedure if you don't want to. However, it can be helpful to have a support system of your choosing around you. Think about who you want to share the information with and who will be supportive. Perhaps your romantic partner can be there for you, or perhaps a good friend. It can be helpful to have someone to help you out physically and emotionally with the procedure.

Way #4: Buy Necessary Supplies

After your procedure, take the day off work. You are going to want to purchase pads as bleeding is normal after an abortion, and you are not supposed to wear tampons. You should also make sure you have water and some light food you enjoy, as well as some over-the-counter painkillers on hand.

If you want to terminate your pregnancy, you need to discuss your abortion options with your doctor. Then, you need to figure out if your insurance will pay for the procedure or how you will finance it yourself. After that, build your support system and make sure you have food, water, painkillers, and lots of pads on hand for after the procedure.
