How ED Doctors Diagnose Erectile Dysfunction Causes

If you suffer from erectile dysfunction, or ED, then your physician may have referred you to an erectile dysfunction clinic. There are a number of different reasons for ED, and after your doctor uncovers the underlying cause, he or she will develop a plan of care. Here are some ways ED doctors can diagnose the cause of erectile dysfunction. 

Ultrasound Studies

Because ED is often caused by blood flow problems and vascular disorders, your physician may recommend that you undergo an ultrasound study of your vasculature. Poor blood flow and vascular disease diminish blood flow to the penile area, leading to erectile dysfunction.

Cholesterol deposits in your blood vessels can impair blood flow to the genitalia. Before your doctor can identify cholesterol deposits as the cause of your ED, you may need to have your blood vessels assessed with an ultrasound. An ultrasound captures real-time images of soft tissue, including the veins and arteries.

If your doctor notices impaired blood flow during your ultrasound, he or she will recommend a treatment plan to help promote optimal circulation. Other reasons for impaired blood flow to the penis include diabetes, hypertension, obesity, and cardiovascular disease.

Certain prescription medications can help restore blood flow to the penis, including sildenafil and avanafil. While effective in treating ED, these medications can cause side effects such as dizziness, hearing loss, vision problems, and chest pain.

Physical Examination And Detailed Medical History

Other ways your doctor can undercover the causes of erectile dysfunction are by performing a comprehensive physical examination and taking a detailed medical history from you. The physical examination may reveal structural problems with your penis and testicles, and scrotal varicose veins.

While discussing your medical history, your doctor will ask you about the medications you take because many medications list erectile dysfunction as a side effect. For example, if you take medication to lower your blood pressure, erectile dysfunction may be a frequent occurrence. If your physician determines that your medications are causing your ED, he or she may lower the dose or suggest that you stop taking the drug altogether. 

If you suffer from ED, talk to your doctor about erectile dysfunction treatment options. ED can be either temporary or permanent; however, until you undergo a complete physical examination, your doctor will be unable to determine the cause. Once the cause has been revealed, your doctor will then develop a treatment plan to help you both physically and psychologically. 
