Tired All Of The Time? What May Be The Problem And What You Can Do

Extreme tiredness can be a symptom of a number of different medical issues. If you're tired all of the time, it can be due to something in your daily routine and can be remedied with some changes in your day-to-day activities. If you are tired all of the time, read on for helpful information about what could be the issue and what you may be able to do about it.

What Tiredness May Mean

Being tired all of the time can cause a problem in your relationships and in your own mental well-being (and physical well-being). Tiredness can be a symptom if you have an under-active thyroid or if you are lacking in vitamins such as B-12 or even vitamin D. Tiredness can also be a sign of cancer or even a heart health issue. If you are suffering from extreme tiredness — you can hardly keep yourself awake during the day or you are hardly able to complete daily tasks without being extremely exhausted — it is something you should have looked into by your physician. Tests can be run to rule out medical problems.

What You Can Do About Your Tiredness

If your tiredness isn't medical-related, it may be due to something in your day-to-day routine. If you aren't getting enough quality sleep at night, it can make you tired all of the time. Invest in a new mattress and pillow to help improve your sleep. Use a sound machine or sleep with a fan on to promote better sleep. Getting plenty of exercise throughout the day can also help improve your lack of energy. If you live a sedentary lifestyle, it can actually make you even more tired. Get up and force yourself to move. Do something low-impact such as yoga or just take a walk and get some fresh air. Improving your diet can also improve your energy levels. Eat a cleaner diet full of fresh fruits and vegetables, and skip the fast-food line. Drink more water, and stop drinking caffeinated beverages such as tea and coffee.

If you are tired all of the time, it can be something medical, or it could be because of your own lifestyle. Make some changes to see if it improves your energy levels. If you continue to have a lack of energy and continue to be tired, get to your physician to have some tests run to rule out any medical issues.

To learn more, contact a resource like the Davenshire Medical Center
