Benefits You Gain By Undergoing Low Testosterone Treatment

Testosterone is a hormone that is produced by men's testicles. It is a vital hormone that has many functions. Testosterone is responsible for male characteristics such as a muscular build, facial hair, and a deep male voice. This hormone also promotes the production of red blood cells, builds strong bones, advances mood changes, and promotes your ability to think clearly. A lack of adequate testosterone levels can cause you to seek low testosterone treatment.

Impotence And Associated Changes

Testosterone loss can cause symptoms of impotence and associated changes in sexual desire. Some men find that they have less energy, reduced muscle mass, and even periods of hot flashes. Make an appointment to be seen by your primary care physician. Inform your doctor about your symptoms. Testing could indicate that you can benefit as a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy (TRT). Your physician is the professional who will order blood testing to arrive at a decision about whether you can benefit from testosterone replacement therapy. 

Why Testing Is Important

Be mindful that in some cases, the status of your general health can be the culprit that's causing low testosterone levels. If you suffer from diabetes and possible thyroid illnesses and you are on certain medications, your low level testosterone problems may be associated with those medical conditions and medications, and you will need to be treated for those conditions. Indications such as these rule you out as a candidate for testosterone replacement therapy.

Your physician will inform you when the testing process indicates that testosterone replacement therapy is the right treatment for you. You'll also be informed about a variety of TRT delivery methods that you can choose and benefit from.

Skin Patch Treatment

You can benefit from a skin patch treatment method, which you will apply only once every day and only in the evenings. This patch works to release minimal amounts of the hormone into your skin.

Injection Of TRT

If you choose an injection method, then the injections would be delivered every 7 to 14 days. You'll experience a varying rise and fall in your testosterone levels for a few days after you've received the injections. That's expected because of the nature of this procedure, and your physician will explain this method to you.

TRT Pellet Delivery

Pellets are placed under your skin at points such as your hips or buttocks for this procedure. These pellets slowly release testosterone at those locations and are replaced every 3 to 6 months.

Topical Gels Application

You may choose the method of using topical gels. You will spread the gels daily into your skin at areas such as your shoulders, upper arms or thighs. You'll be asked in this instance to carefully wash your hands after you complete the application and to cover the area you've just treated with clothing so that you do not expose others to testosterone.
