Lower Calves Hurt All The Time? It May Be Caused By Your Veins

If your lower calves hurt all the time and you know it is not a muscular problem, it could be due to a problem with your veins. This is because veins can cause a lot of pain. Fortunately, there are many treatment options to help make the pain go away. Below are two of these treatment options you could start with.

Self-Care Treatment Options

When you see a doctor for treatment, they may have you start out with self-care. This will involve elevating your legs. When you stand or sit pressure is put on your veins causing pain. Elevating your legs relieves this pressure. You need to ensure that you elevate your legs a few inches above your heart. You can do this by putting your feet on a couple of pillows while you are lying down. Blood flow is also increased which is beneficial.

If you sit all day you need to get up every 20 or so minutes and walk around. Set a timer if you forget to do this. The same thing goes if you stand for a long time during the day. If so, sit down for a few minutes every 20 minutes or so.

If you are overweight this puts a lot of pressure on your legs, which can cause leg pain. Contact your doctor to help you come up with a diet plan and make sure you exercise. 

Sclerotherapy Treatment

If self-care does not help with your pain, your doctor may suggest sclerotherapy treatment. With this, a chemical is injected into different areas of each vein. The doctor will then massage your leg where the injections were made. The doctor will ask you to wear compression socks after the treatment for a certain amount of time. It is important that you choose the right pressure so make sure you ask your doctor. In many cases, you will be asked to wear the compression socks for a couple of weeks. 

After the treatment, you will go home the same day. Your doctor will ask you to take walks each day. 

You may need to have more than one treatment depending on how bad your veins are. You will notice your veins disappear in a few weeks. Once this happens you will no longer feel any pain in your legs.

Your doctor can go over these treatment options with you in much more detail. The doctor can also tell you about other treatment options you have.

For more information, contact a clinic like Bellamah Vein Center.
