3 Ways To Reduce Or Prevent Common Digestive Problems

Whether you frequently have digestive problems or notice some foods seem to trigger unpleasant effects, there are plenty of options available to help set you on the path to better digestive health. In many cases, natural supplements or the incorporation of certain foods can reduce or eliminate problems.

Increase Your Fiber

Having the right balance of fiber and water in your digestive system can improve both constipation and diarrhea. The key to incorporating fiber is to do it slowly. Suddenly eating high-fiber foods or taking supplements can lead to unpleasant symptoms, such as gas and bloating. Psyllium husks are one of the more natural sources of fiber. Some people take them in the form of capsules, but they can easily be included in the powdered form. Powdered psyllium husks can be incorporated into a morning smoothie, soups, and sauces. If you want to increase your fiber through food, try starting with a serving of high-fiber cereal or eating a piece of whole-grain bread.

Take Probiotics

Probiotics are healthy bacteria that exist in your digestive system. Sometimes, when people experience prolonged diarrhea, gas, bloating, or constipation, it can be a sign that there is an imbalance between good and bad bacteria. If you are not lactose-intolerant, the easiest way to include probiotics into your diet is to consume certain dairy products. Most yogurts are fortified with probiotics. If you need to include probiotics in supplement form, find brands that offer the most colony-forming units (CFUs) per dose. This will increase the number of live bacteria found in each dose.

Although probiotics can be found in different formulations, such as powders, chewables, and capsules, the latter might be the best option. Some capsules are formulated to break down in the small intestine, which can reduce the amount of probiotics that are destroyed by stomach acid. You also need to be mindful of storage, since many probiotics need to be stored in the refrigerator after opening and should be replaced with a new bottle often.

Use Digestive Enzymes

Digestive enzymes are another way to reduce gastrointestinal issues, especially if you have certain intolerances, such as lactose intolerance. Although digestive enzymes can be found in supplement form, they are also found in foods. Lactase is a digestive enzyme that helps break down lactose. This enzyme can be found in some fermented foods like kefir and miso. Protease is another enzyme that is known for breaking down proteins. Foods containing protease, such as papaya, ginger, and pineapple, are frequently used in marinades because protease also tenderizes meat. If you have problems when consuming fat, use lipases, which can improve symptoms of gas and diarrhea that often come with problems after fat consumption. Lipases can also be found in kimchi and avocado.

Once any severe gastrointestinal problems are ruled out, you can start experimenting to determine how your current diet affects your gastrointestinal system. In many cases, frequent digestive issues or intolerances can be reduced or eliminated by incorporating the right foods and supplements. For more information about using natural digestive dietary supplements, contact a local professional.
