Bunions: Should I Have Surgery?

A bunion is a protrusion that usually forms at the big toe's base. The deformity occurs when the bones on the big toe move towards the smaller toes, causing the joint to stick out. Additionally, a bunion can develop on the side of the little toes, but this occurrence is less common. Bunions may cause pain on the foot and discomfort when walking. Therefore, bunion removal is essential. If you have small bunions that cause mild discomfort, your doctor may recommend wearing appropriate footwear. However, if the bunion is severe, surgical treatment may be ideal. But, should you have bunion surgery?

The Benefits of Bunion Surgery

Bunion surgery is effective for treating severely painful bunions. Additionally, remember that bunions can swell and cause soreness around the big toe, which can cause mobility problems. Thus, surgery eliminates the bunions and restores your toe's normal growth and appearance. Once you get the surgical treatment, you significantly reduce the risk of bunion development on your foot. Moreover, during the surgery, the surgeon may correct bone misalignment of other toes. This prevents further toe-related complications in the future.

Nonetheless, if you continue to wear the wrong footwear or fail to manage conditions like arthritis, you may develop bunions in the future. Therefore, follow your doctor's post-surgery advice to avoid bunion recurrence.

What Bunion Surgery Entails

Before bunion surgery begins, doctors administer anesthesia on a patient. After the anesthesia takes effect, the surgeon makes an incision around the deformed area to access the misaligned bones. Then, they may insert screws, plates, and wires to hold the deformed bones in the correct position. This allows the bones to take the proper position after healing.

Sometimes, the surgery involves eliminating the severely damaged toe joint and replacing it with an implant. Your surgeon will establish the severity of your bunion and choose the most appropriate and effective surgical technique to apply.

The Risks of Bunion Surgical Treatment

Bunion surgery is an invasive procedure and comes with various risks. These risks include scarring and excessive bleeding. However, doctors minimize these risks by performing a full-body health assessment to determine whether you're fit for surgery. Additionally, choose an experienced and reputable surgeon to perform the procedure. This increases the chances of undergoing surgery successfully.

Bunion surgery comes with risks but offers a more effective solution for eliminating bunions. Understanding what the surgery entails, its risks, and its benefits can help you decide whether bunion surgery services are suitable for you or not.

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